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A-Z of Royal Enfield

(Animated Film)


I had the opportunity to contribute to the production of a campaign film under the creative direction of Vikas Maurya and Manav Dhiman (ManVsType) showcasing the entire manufacturing process from A to Z. This film was part of a documentary series focusing on Royal Enfield's manufacturing in India. The goal was to create a standout campaign film, visually appealing and cleverly incorporated wordplay. The aim was to connect each alphabet to specific aspects of their manufacturing, including processes, values, or technology used.

The initial step involved generating ideas for the animation of individual words, followed by crafting the type design and corresponding motion to effectively communicate the essence of each word.


Following tasks encompass the smooth transition of each word animation, synchronized with the prescribed footage sequencing. This includes considerations on layout and the harmonious blending of footage transitions with type animations.


Shaze Valentine Gifitng

(Animated Film)

A-Z of Royal Enfield

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Fratelli Wines New Label

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